  • Buy your badge

    4 days visitor

    • 4 days access to Alimentaria FoodTech
    • Access to all free activities

    4 days visitor +
    Barcelona Biofilm Summit

    • 4 days access to Alimentaria FoodTech
    • Access to the conference Barcelona Biofilm Summit - September 27th, 2023
    • Access to all free activities

    R+D+i visitor

    • 4 days access to Alimentaria FoodTech
    • Access to all free activities
    • Exclusively for R+D+i profiles

    Do you have an invitation or a code?

    A limited number of free, single-use electronic invitations are available for exhibitors to invite their current and potential customers. Please contact any of our exhibitors to obtain a free e-invitation. You will need to access the accreditation system to redeem your invitation and obtain your entrance to the trade show.

    Admission rules

    Remember, for security reasons the accreditation is personal and non-transferable for all attendees to the event. It will be mandatory to have the accreditation/ticket always available. You will also avoid long queues if you print it before arriving at the venue.

    The organization reserves the right of admission of persons, as well as the right of identity verification.

    Entry exclusively for industry professionals

    No smoking

    The badge is personal and non-transferable

    Unathorised itinerant selling and publicity distribution are not allowed

    Taking photos or videos of the exhibitors’ stands is not allowed

    Animals are not allowed

    Children under 18 are not allowed

    Only online registration to obtain your badge.

    Capacity limited. Access to the trade show will be limited due to the capacity.

    For more details, please refer to the complete regulations.

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