
Juan Martínez Gironella

Technical Secretary of the Food for Life-Spain Platform and FIAB R+D+i Technician | FIAB/FOOD FOR LIFE-SPAIN
Juan Martínez Gironella


Juan Martínez Gironella is an Environmental Health Technician specialized in water use and consumption laboratory and Graduated in Food Science and Technology from the Rey Juan Carlos University.


Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

Technology platform Food For Life-Spain

Juan Martínez Gironella
Juan Martínez Gironella FIAB/FOOD FOR LIFE-SPAIN Technical Secretary of the Food for Life-Spain Platform and FIAB R+D+i Technician

29-09-2023 14:00 29-09-2023 14:45 Europe/Madrid Technology platform Food For Life-Spain

Food for Life-Spain Technological Platform (hereinafter, PTF4LS) is the promotion of the transmission of research, scientific and technological advances through public-private collaboration of the main agri-food sector agents in relation to R+D+ i and the detection of new demands in the field of Society Challenges, ensuring the competitiveness and growth of the Spanish agri-food sector. All this, in a prosaic way, will be reflected in agri-food R+D+i projects.

FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner
Fri 29 14:00h - 14:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free