  • Mireia Solà Llort

    Social Media Manager | ENISA
    Mireia Solà Llort


    Specialized in social media platforms, design, and events, she coordinates national and international events to promote entrepreneurship.


    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    #ConversacionesEnisa with RawData and BonaTerra

    Mireia Solà Llort
    Mireia Solà Llort ENISA Social Media Manager
    Albert Duaigües
    Albert Duaigües RawData SL CEO
    Paula Medina
    Paula Medina Bona Terra SAC Co-founder

    28-09-2023 18:00 28-09-2023 18:30 Europe/Madrid #ConversacionesEnisa with RawData and BonaTerra

    RawData is a startup for the digitalization of agricultural companies, and BonaTerra is a "food marketplace." Both were funded by ENISA, and in this they will talk about entrepreneurship and collaboration in startups, as well as their financing challenges.

    FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner
    Thu 28 18:00h - 18:30h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free
    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena


    Mireia Solà Llort
    Mireia Solà Llort ENISA Social Media Manager
    Alejandro M González Navech
    Alejandro M González Navech Pascual
    Anna Gallés
    Anna Gallés CanRoldos Sociedad Inversora
    Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón Soba
    Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón Soba
    Carmen Galindo
    Carmen Galindo IRTA
    Sofía Mendoza
    Sofía Mendoza Eatable Adventures
    Marta Carrió
    Marta Carrió Netmentora
    Alejandro Ribó
    Alejandro Ribó Netmentora Catalunya Managing Director

    28-09-2023 15:00 28-09-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid AgrifoodTech STARTUPS PITCHINGS

    Afternoon presentation of 15 startups:

    Jordi Vernet Bescós (Alguímia) - Alejandro Caballero (Bioazul SL) - Jorge Garcia del Arco (Aquadat) - Francoise de Valera Rose   (Pack2Earth) - Maria Cuairan Calvo (Sanygran) - Juan Garrido (Bread Free SL) - Jose B. Carbajo Elena (Bondalti Water (GA)) - Luis Chimeno Moral (Oscillum) - Guillem Quintana (FACTIC, Inc.) - José Racionero (Rospetal SL) - Berta Daina Troguet (Agro Biomaterials) - Juan Francisco Carrillo (Cofling) - Ana Martínez (Almotech) - Bernardo Ausejo (Clean Wood) - Jose M. Martínez-Fortún (Ceratonia Plus) - Adrián Martín (Bronze) - Alejandro M. Gonzalez Navech (Pascual) - Anna Gallés   (CanRoldos Sociedad Inversora) - Mireia Solà Llort (ENISA) - Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón Soba (Freelance) - Carmen Galindo  (EIT Food) - Sofía Mendoza Sullivan (Eatable Adventures) - Alejandro Ribó (Netmentora)

    FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner
    Thu 28 15:00h - 17:30h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free