  • Pablo Ibáñez Aparicio

    Business and Technology Transfer Specialist | ITENE
    Pablo Ibáñez Aparicio


    Degree in Chemical Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Master in Environmental Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Universidad de Valencia


    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    ECOSALIS: Technologies for the early detection of pathogens in the food industry/ Presentation of the SENTIATECH technology platform

    Alejandro Hernández Albors
    Alejandro Hernández Albors ITENE Head if Monitoring Technologies and Bioanalysis Unit
    Pablo Ibáñez Aparicio
    Pablo Ibáñez Aparicio ITENE Business and Technology Transfer Specialist

    29-09-2023 13:00 29-09-2023 13:45 Europe/Madrid ECOSALIS: Technologies for the early detection of pathogens in the food industry/ Presentation of the SENTIATECH technology platform

    Early detection and identification of pollutants, such as microorganisms, solid particles, and gases, in certain samples and work environments even in urban areas, have become a key factor in decision making by health authorities and medical professionals towards the implementation of effective measures to avoid contamination in our foodstuff, even our cities.  In this regard, there is a need to investigate and develop innovative analytical tools and technologies capable to accelerate decision making in critical situations.

    FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner
    Fri 29 13:00h - 13:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free