
Ignasi Pons Argimon

General secretary | FECIC (Federació Empresarial de la Carn i Indústries Càrnies)
Ignasi Pons Argimon


Graduated in Veterinary Medicine and PMB at ESADE, he has more than 25 years of experience in the meat sector and is currently the General Secretary of the Business Federation of Meat and Meat Industries (FECIC).


Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

Meat derivatives: Classification methodology

Ignasi Pons Argimon
Ignasi Pons Argimon FECIC (Federació Empresarial de la Carn i Indústries Càrnies) General secretary
Xavier Serra Dalmau
Xavier Serra Dalmau IRTA Researcher

28-09-2023 13:00 28-09-2023 13:45 Europe/Madrid Meat derivatives: Classification methodology

In meat preparations and products, the classification of some derivatives poses difficulties in interpreting legal definitions, which can cause non-compliance with regulations on the use of additives and consumer information. The presentation presents a methodology developed at IRTA for the objective classification of meat derivatives.

FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner
Thu 28 13:00h - 13:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Startups' Corner Free