  • Javier López- Nogués

    KAM Dairy&Beverage | ProLeiT by Schneider Electric
    Javier López- Nogués


    Industrial Engineer and MBA, with more than 12 years of professional experience. Currently Key Account Manager at ProLeiT by Schneider Electric, specialized in automation and industrial digitalization


    Presentation | Foodtech Innovarena

    Keys to success in digitalization and automation of production in the food industry

    Javier López- Nogués
    Javier López- Nogués ProLeiT by Schneider Electric KAM Dairy&Beverage

    28-09-2023 17:00 28-09-2023 17:45 Europe/Madrid Keys to success in digitalization and automation of production in the food industry

    Two critical issues for the present and future of the food industry, and which are closely linked to each other, are the automation of manufacturing processes and the digitalization of production plants, but, in order to achieve the desired success, not everything is valid in these areas of action.


    This session will identify some of the keys to success when implementing this type of projects, through the collection of accurate and truthful data, which will allow making decisions and optimizing processes, resulting in an increase in efficiency and, therefore, in the operational profitability of companies in the sector.

    FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner
    Thu 28 17:00h - 17:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free