  • Roger Marine

    Researcher at the Nutrition and Health Unit | Eurecat
    Roger Marine


    Researcher at the Eurecat Nutrition and Health Unit, specialist in the study of bioactive ingredients and their effects on health. Doctor in Nutrition and Metabolism and graduate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.


    Round table | Foodtech Innovarena

    Alternative Proteins: Protein Coexistence, Nutritional Quality and Precision Fermentation

    Roger Marine
    Roger Marine Eurecat Researcher at the Nutrition and Health Unit
    Helena Torrell
    Helena Torrell Eurecat Researcher at the Omic Sciences Unit

    26-09-2023 15:00 26-09-2023 15:45 Europe/Madrid Alternative Proteins: Protein Coexistence, Nutritional Quality and Precision Fermentation

    The significant increase in protein demand worldwide poses a great environmental challenge. To address this demand sustainably, a transition to alternative protein sources is essential. In Eurecat's Biotechnology Area, a series of projects are being carried out committed to contributing to innovative solutions that help satisfy the growing demand for proteins. These include the optimization of processing technologies to obtain alternative proteins based on fermentation, research into new technologies for their characterization and functionalization or the application of advanced techniques in molecular biology and omics sciences for process optimization.

    FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner
    Tue 26 15:00h - 15:45h FoodTech Innovarena | Speakers' Corner Free